A Guide to Kyoto’s Wooden and Traditional Architecture

Jodo-ji Jododo(極楽山浄土寺) in Hyogo is a day trip from Kyoto, and is one of the handful of buildings that were built in the same style as the Great Southern Gate of Todai-ji in Nara, as mentioned a few weeks ago. It has an atypical structural system, where the bracket arms (組物) are set directly in the post (rather than on top), and the posts themselves being stabilized by penetrating tie beams.
While the exterior is rather modest in appearance, the interior often ranks as one of the most magnificent spaces in all of Japan. The structural expression is especially bold in Jodo-ji Jododo, essentially a series of undecorated wooden structural elements supporting one large roof, allowing an uninterrupted space to house three large Buddhist statues in the centre. Everyday, when the sun sets, the deep vermilion red colour of the structure would help reflect the setting natural lights from the west onto the statues themselves.

Even though Suikoushya International Craft School is now up and running in France, our Kyoto workshop will still continue to operate and we want to welcome you when you’re in Kyoto!

Here in Kyoto you can explore the many different wooden architectural treasures of Japan!



Jodo-ji Jododo(極楽山浄土寺)in Hyogo