A Guide to Kyoto’s Wooden and Traditional Architecture A construction method of building foundation that developed during the time of Japanese Style was the kamebara (亀腹), or turtle belly. The ground is raised and the edges are round, and finished
Rengeo-in (蓮華王院) is yet another temple in Kyoto that was constructed in the Japanese Style Architecture(和様).
A Guide to Kyoto’s Wooden and Traditional Architecture Rengeo-in (蓮華王院) is yet another temple in Kyoto that was constructed in the Japanese Style Architecture(和様). Rengeo-in, otherwise known as Sanjusangen-do (三十三間堂), is over 900 years old, having survived numerous earthquakes, and
Daihoon-ji (大報恩寺), the oldest surviving wooden building in Kyoto is built with this Japanese Style.
A Guide to Kyoto’s Wooden and Traditional Architecture The wooden bracket system, or kumimono (組物), is one of the more distinctive features found in traditional temples and shrines. While functionally they are to take the load of the large roofs
One of the feature of Horyu-ji (法隆寺) is the use of a bracket arm that’s carved in the shape of a cloud.
A Guide to Kyoto’s Wooden and Traditional Architecture One of the other features of Horyu-ji (法隆寺), the oldest extant wooden structure in the world, is the use of a bracket arm that’s carved in the shape of a cloud. Such
A rather prominent feature of the pillars of Horyu-ji and the wooden temples from that era (Asuka) .
A Guide to Kyoto’s Wooden and Traditional Architecture Wooden architecture in Japan has evolved over the years. Many of such developments are closely tied to religious structures, namely Buddhist temples. Horyu-ji (法隆寺) is one oldest extant wooden structure in the
The base rafters, or jidaruki (地垂木) and the the flying rafters, or hiendaruki (飛檐垂木)
A Guide to Kyoto’s Wooden and Traditional Architecture At the edge of the underside of a roof of a temple building, one can often see the exposed rafters. Many of them are double layered. While these exposed rafters are not
The Takenaka Carpenter Tools Museum (竹中大工道具館) in Kobe
The Takenaka Carpenter Tools Museum (竹中大工道具館) in Kobe is a short train ride from Kyoto. It hosts a wide variety of resources on Japanese carpentry, form books, display of tools, to replicas of some of the most intricate Japanese joineries
This is the way to get better at sharpening plane blades.
AQ:This is the way to get better at sharpening plane blades. There is something to keep in mind when adjusting a blade or the base. When using a whetstone to sharpen a blade, including plane blades and chisel blades, when
Need double the amount of 1000 grit whetstones than 8000 grit?
FAQ:Need double the amount of 1000 grit whetstones than 8000 grit? Whetstones are used to adjust blades, and the 1000-grit whetstone is generally used to make the shape of the blade. It takes a lot of time to make the
[Kawai Tsugite] is that it can be used to connect wood from three directions
Have you ever heard of “Kawai Tsugite”? The main feature of this joint is that it can be used to connect wood from three directions. It can be connected horizontally, at right angles, and vertically. This joint was invented by