Below is a list of Soan Style Tea Houses that you can visit in while you are in Kyoto. There are a number of tea houses in Kyoto, however, most are not open to the public. These are the ones that could be easier to arrange. The list may be updated over time. Please click on the address to view it on Google maps.


The tea houses in Manshu-in Temple and Konchi-an Temple are two of the rare tea houses where you can go inside and experience the spaces. No advanced reservation is needed, but an extra ticket is needed for Manshu-in.

曼殊院 Manshu-in Temple

    • The Teahouse in Manshu-in Temple is called Hasso-ken (八窓軒).
    • The location itself is a bit off the beaten path, making it less crowded than most other places in Kyoto.
    • You will be guided by a local staff or monk in the Tea House. (in Japanese language)

    Address: 〒606-8134 京都市左京区一乗寺竹ノ内町42

    Opening Hours: 9:00~17:00 (please go a bit earlier than the closing hour)



    金地院 Konchi-in Temple

    • The Teahouse in Konchi-in Temple is called Hasso-seki (八窓席). Not to be confused with Hasso-ken in Manshi-in.
    • Konchi-in is a subtemple off the main temple of Nanzen-ji. The garden and teahouse of Konchi-in was designed by one of the most revered Japanese artists of all time.
    • You will be guided by the local temple staff in order to visit the tea house. The guide is in Japanese language.

    Address: 〒606-8435 京都市左京区南禅寺福地町86-12
    Opening Hours: 9:00~17:00 (please go a bit earlier than the closing hour)




    高台寺 Kodai-ji

    • The two main tea houses in Kodai-ji Temple are called Kasa-Tei (傘亭) and Shigure-Tei (時雨亭).
    • You cannot go inside these tea houses. However, you can get very close to them, and see the interior of the buildings as the windows and partitions are usually all opened.
    • Two fairly distinctive designs, even in tea house standards.


    Address: 〒605-0825 京都市東山区高台寺下河原町526番地

    Opening Hours: 9:00~17:30



    金閣寺 Kinkakuji-ji

    • The very popular temple is also home to one of the Tea houses of Kyoto. The name of the tea house is called Sekka-tei (夕佳亭)
    • You cannot go inside these tea house. However, the front is usually open so you can look from the outside. Don’t forget to check out the tea houses when you visit Kinkau-ji!


    Address: 〒603-8361 京都市北区金閣寺町1

    Opening Hours: 9:00~17:00



    In order to visit Saiho-ji, Katsura Imperial Villa and Tai-an, advanced reservation is needed. It is advised to make a booking prior to your trip to Japan.

    西芳寺 Saiho-ji

    • The main tea house in Saiho-ji is called Shonan-tei (湘南亭).
    • You cannot go inside these tea houses. However, you can observe the tea houses from the outside.
    • The temple is nicknamed the moss temple, and is famous for its moss garden. In order the visit, reservation is needed in advance. You can either make the reservation online, or through a return post card.


    Address: 〒615-8286 京都府京都市西京区松尾神ケ谷町56

    Opens year Round (Advanced reservation is needed. Reservation website here)




    水無瀬神宮 Minase Grand Shrine

    • The main tea house in Minase-Jingu is called Toushin-tei (燈心亭).
    • You cannot go inside these tea houses. However, you can observe the tea houses from the outside.
    • The Tea House is open to public on every second Sunday of each month. However, because there may be special events and functions, you will need to call the Shrine in advance to confirm your visit.
    • Alternatively, you can make a reservation to see the tea house if you have 5 or more people.


    Address: 〒618-0011 大阪府三島郡島本町広瀬3丁目10−24

    Opens year Round (Advanced reservation is needed to view the Tea House. You can find their contact information on their website)




    桂離宮 Katsura Imperial Villa

    • There are a number of tea houses in Katsura Imperial Villa, which include Shokin-tei (松琴亭) Shoi-ken (笑意軒) and Geppa-ro (月波楼).
    • The tea houses are inside a strolling garden. You are required to join a guided tour in order to go in, and the tour itself is approximately a 1-hour tour. It is done in the Japanese language but English audio is provided upon request.
    • You cannot go inside these tea houses, however, you will walk past these tea houses and can observe the buildings from the outside.
    • Katsura Imperial Villa can get busy throughout the year, so reservations well ahead of time is advised. The reservations can be done online.


    Address: 〒615-8014 京都市西京区桂御園

    Opens year Round (Advanced reservation is needed. Reservation website here)




    待庵 (妙喜庵) Tai-an

    • Tai-an (待庵) is the name of the tea house.
    • One of the smallest Japanese tea houses and the most well known. Built by the legendary tea master, Tai-an a designated national treasure of Japan. It can be bit tricky to visit. An advanced reservation is required, and it’s only done through sending them a return postcard. A lot of planning will be needed ahead of your visit so please do consider planning well ahead of your trip.


    Address: 〒618-0071 乙訓郡大山崎町大山崎竜光56

    Opening Hours: Sundays (Advanced reservation is needed)



    *It is also possible to visit the two Tea Houses in Ninna-ji, if you have 5 people or more. You will have to make a reservation in advance.

  • *There are many wonderful tea houses in Kyoto, but many are not open to the public as they belong to a temple or other private organizations. However, each year, some of them would offer special viewings, offering a chance for those to go inside and visit. Such special viewings take place in the Spring and Autumn of every year, and each year, different places may be open to the public.
  • *Suikoushya is offering excursions to visit the many different wooden treasures of Kyoto with woodworking fans from all over the world, from the unique perspective of Japanese carpentry and wooden architecture. We are excited to be able to share this experience with you. We are currently offering a architecture study trips that will make a stop at Manshu-in Temple to visit its tea house, as well as the nearby Shisen-do Temple. Be sure to contact us via email if you are up for a study trip the next time you are in Kyoto!