There are various angles on the roof, which can be found using Sashigane. For example, if you apply 1 Shaku of Nagate (longer one) to the horizontal plane and raise Tsumate (shorter one) by 5 Sun, the slope will be
What carpentry tools do Japanese carpenters need most?~woodworking master class in ile de france~
When we build a house, it is said that we need at least 72 carpentry tools, even if it is a low-cost house. The largest number of the tools is the chisel. A chisel is a carpenter’s tool used for
About Nagare (流造)~Kyoto Traditional Architecture guide~
A Guide to Kyoto’s Wooden and Traditional Architecture Nagare (流造) is perhaps one of the most common styles in Shinto architecture. The Nagare style is when the gable roof of the structure slopes out over the entrance on the non-gable
About sliding doors such as Kamoi and Shikii~woodworking master class in ile de france~
When making fittings such as sliding doors such as Kamoi and Shikii, pay attention to the orientation of the material. Kamoi ⇒ Turn the front side of the tree down Shikii ⇒ Turn the front side of the tree upward
About Along the grain (Jun-me) and Against the grain (Saka-me)~woodworking master class in ile de france~
About Along the grain (Jun-me) and Against the grain (Saka-me) You will be careful about Along the grain (Jun-me) and Against the grain (Saka-me) when you plane. However, the direction of the grain of wood changes in one material, and
About Shinmochi-material and Shinsari-materia~woodworking master class in ile de france~
About Shinmochi-material (Material including core) and Shinsari-material (Material with core removed) Shinmochi-material: The material with the remaining core is very durable. It is often used for structural materials such as pillars. However, when the wood dries, it tends to crack
About Sumiki~woodworking master class in ile de france~
About Sumiki The roof of the rest area of Suikoushya is the Irimoya (hip-and-gable) roof. The structural material used for the slopes of the apex where the roofs intersect is called Sumiki. Knowing the angle of Sumiki is very difficult
About japanese box stairs
About japanese box stairs Do you know the stairs that look like a pile of boxes? These are called box stairs and can be used as storage compartments from the side. The slope is steeper than expected and there are
Mihashira Torii (三柱鳥居) or Three Pillar Torii gate~Kyoto Traditional Architecture guide~
A Guide to Kyoto’s Wooden and Traditional Architecture There is a variety of styles when it comes to a Torii gate, and in Kyoto, you can visit one of the extremely rare Mihashira Torii (三柱鳥居) or Three Pillar Torii gate.
About [Udeki] and [Hijiki]~woodworking master class in ile de france~
About [Udeki] and [Hijiki], which are important for supporting the roof. The material [Udeki] mounted horizontally from the main pillar receives the load of the roof. And [Hijiki] is attached to support [Udeki]. Many of them are decorated in different