The adjustment of the band saw is called “metate” = sharpening. If the band saw is not sharpened so that it can be cut well, not only will the accuracy of the sawn be reduced, but there is also the
How to make a case for the chisel.
Let’s make a case for the chisel. 1: Select a piece of wood according to the size of the chisel. 2: Check the annual rings and divide the wood in the middle along the grain. 3: Place the chisel and
古民家リフォームデザイン:House for sale in kyoto japan
オーナー情報 60代前半の引退した夫婦(夫の趣味は釣り・妻の趣味は料理)が同居するためのリフォームデザインです。 趣味のための空間(土間)をとり、家にいることが多い奥様のために明るく開放的な雰囲気を提案しました。 翠紅舎と一緒にあなたの家族だけの新しいストーリーを作ってみませんか? どんな家も見違えるように素敵に生まれ変わります。あなたのライフスタイルに合ったデザインを提案しますので、まずはお気軽にお問い合わせください。 Owner Information Renovation for a retired couple in their early 60s to live together. The husband’s hobby is fishing and the wife’s hobby is cooking. Why don’t you work with Suikoushya to create a new
kibana (木鼻)
A Guide to Kyoto’s Wooden and Traditional Architecture One common feature of traditional Japanese Temple and Shrine architecture is the use of kibana (木鼻), which roughly translates to a “wooden nose” in English. Originally, kibana refers to the end part
Shoiken (笑意軒) is the largest of the Tea Houses in Katsura Imperial Palace (桂離宮).
A Guide to Kyoto’s Wooden and Traditional Architecture Shoiken (笑意軒) is the largest of the Tea Houses in Katsura Imperial Palace (桂離宮). Like the other Tea Houses, Shoiken was built in the farmhouse inspired sukiya style with all its characteristics.
The bracket arm system in the Great Southern Gate of Todai-ji (東大寺南大門)
A Guide to Kyoto’s Wooden and Traditional Architecture Kumimono (組物), or the bracket arm system design on top of the pillars is one of the main design features of traditional wooden architecture in Japan, especially in temples and shrines. In
Sotokoshikake (外腰掛)
A Guide to Kyoto’s Wooden and Traditional Architecture Within a traditional Japanese Tea Garden, there are various structures other than the tea house itself. One such structure is the Waiting Arbour, or Sotokoshikake (外腰掛) in Japanese. It is a waiting
Mon (門), or gate structures within a Religious complex are important architecture
A Guide to Kyoto’s Wooden and Traditional Architecture Mon (門), or gate structures within a Religious complex are important architecture in itself, as there is a heavy emphasis on how one approaches and experiences when entering a temple or shrine
Lumber cut from the mountains has been transported by flowing rivers.
In Japan, lumber cut from the mountains has long been transported by flowing rivers. Flows were conducted in the early spring in areas with snow cover, and in the fall and winter in other areas with abundant flows. This was
The process of fitting the two of different shapes tightly is called [hikari-tsuke]
The process of fitting the two of different shapes tightly is called “hikari-tsuke. When putting a pillar on top of a natural stone, or fitting logs together, the roundness can be copied and carved into the other side to make