A Guide to Kyoto’s Wooden and Traditional Architecture
Rakushisha (落柿舎), which name translate to the hut of fallen persimmons, is a storied cottage building located right in the heart of the Saga Arashiyama district in Kyoto. It was the hermitage of the poet Mukai Kyorai (向井去来), and to this date, Rakushisha still has a deep connection with haikai poetry (俳諧). It is a small, single story building, with simple earthen walls which finishes resembles “fireflies” (蛍壁), and a prominent thatched hip roof (茅葺屋根) that ‘d be hard to miss.



Even though Suikoushya International Craft School is now up and running in France, our Kyoto workshop will still continue to operate and we want to welcome you when you’re in Kyoto!

Here in Kyoto you can explore the many different wooden architectural treasures of Japan!

Rakushisha (落柿舎)~Kyoto Traditional Architecture guide~