Fundamentally when you are processing wood, I think we should generally use a saw wherever appropriate.
At first you put cuts in with the saw.
It only needs to be rough just get it close to where it needs to be.
After we can use planes or chisels to make it nice and clean.
These are the basics.
If you start out with the plane, it’s going to take a large amount of effort.
You have saws, planes, and chisels too,
so use the different tools that are appropriate for each step.



We, Suikoushya, plan to establish a school building in Ile de France in 2022. 

This is a project that we want to build with Suikoushya graduates and professional woodworkers. Through this real construction project, Takami would like to pass not only Japanese woodworking techniqs and craftsmanship but also the spirit of the Japanese people involved in making things.

If you are interested in this project, Please check it out


2022 One month course in Île de France

When processing wood, you should use a saw.