The trees that grow on the slopes warp from the valley side to the mountain side. The valley side is called [SE] and the mountain side is called [HARA]. For girders and beams that receive bending force, use [SE] facing
Interesting uses of Sashigane
Sashigane is not just a tool used for right-angle marking. There are other interesting uses that will be useful right away, so here are some of them. ・Draw a curve ・Divide the width 40cm into 3 equal parts ・Measure
How to prevent cracks when nailing wood?
Does the piece of wood crack when you nail it? Be especially careful when nailing thin materials or the edges of materials. If you crush the tip of the nail and make it a little round, the board will not
japanese carpenter’s toolbox
In Suikoushya’s class, we first make a carpenter’s toolbox. It’s the size that fits your own tools. It can be large or shallow. The toolbox depicted below can be fixed by inserting a saw into the crosspiece! Also, the lid
House made of cedar barks
Although cedar barks are not often used in ordinary houses these days, they are ideal for Japanese buildings because they have a high heat insulating effect and excellent humidity control. This is the Italian Embassy Villa built by Antonin Raymond.
akko-in (寂光院)~Kyoto Traditional Architecture guide~
A Guide to Kyoto’s Wooden and Traditional Architecture Once you take a short trek through village of Kyoto’s Ohara and up a narrow stone path, you will arrive at Jakko-in (寂光院), a small Buddhist convent sitting at the foothills of
Rakushisha (落柿舎)~Kyoto Traditional Architecture guide~
A Guide to Kyoto’s Wooden and Traditional Architecture Rakushisha (落柿舎), which name translate to the hut of fallen persimmons, is a storied cottage building located right in the heart of the Saga Arashiyama district in Kyoto. It was the hermitage
main hall of Sanzen-in (三千院) in Ohara~Kyoto Traditional Architecture guide~
A Guide to Kyoto’s Wooden and Traditional Architecture One of Kyoto’s most remarkable temples is also its most modest. The unassuming appearance of main hall of Sanzen-in (三千院) in Ohara makes it easy to blend with its natural surroundings as
Shisendoo (詩仙堂)~Kyoto Traditional Architecture guide~
A Guide to Kyoto’s Wooden and Traditional Architecture A Japanese building is comprised of many different parts. Each part has its own distinctive aesthetics and expression that really comes together when they become a whole. Take the element of rain
Kaguya Hime Bamboo Palace (かぐや姫竹御殿)~Kyoto Traditional Architecture guide~
A Guide to Kyoto’s Wooden and Traditional Architecture There are many hidden architectural treasures in Kyoto, and one can often find an interesting story behind how they each come to be. It is easy to walk past one sometimes. Tucked